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I'm Le Dang Trung Hieu

Sale Supervisor, Digital Marketing Specialist

  • Age 30+
  • E-mail
  • Phone +84 943 688 088
  • Work Experience Sale, Data Analysis, Digital Marketing
  • On Work Vietcap Securities Joint Stock Company (HoSE:VCI)

I am a marketing professional with a background in sales, which shapes my marketing perspective to focus more on sales results rather than just interactions. Through participating in comprehensive marketing projects, I have learned and developed essential skills in data analysis specialized for marketing. My ability to use data analysis tools enables me to create clear marketing strategies, optimize campaign effectiveness, and make decisions based on actual data.

Professional Skills

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Paid Advertising (PPC)
Social Media Marketing
Python Data Analysis

My Timeline

  • Work Experience

  • 2010 - 2013

    SEO Specialist, Online Newspaper

    * Keyword Planning and Content Optimization: My main responsibilities included keyword planning, content optimization, link building, and regular reporting. Website traffic grew from under 100,000 monthly views to over 300,000 monthly views.

    * Transition to Content Editor Role: In 2013, I transitioned to a content editor role, specializing in rewriting articles for SEO optimization.

    * Feature Stories and Event Photography: I also assisted in writing feature stories and photographing events organized by Vietstock within the country on a monthly basis throughout my tenure.

  • 2013 - 2023

    Sales Supervisor, Digital Marketing Specialist - IR, ABS Department - Vietcap

    * 10 Years of Sales and Marketing Experience: I have extensive experience in sales and direct product marketing, customer care, and new customer acquisition. Currently, I manage approximately 700 individual clients and have built a potential financial customer base of 1.5 million (Facebook audience), categorized and segmented throughout my career. I implemented a CRM system using Mailchimp, managing a database of 14,000 customers.

    * Admin of ABS Fanpage: I am the admin of the fanpage ABS which has 22,000 followers. Initially, the content was primarily for storing room images, but it evolved into a platform for customer care and selling IR (Investor Relation) products to individual clients through visual storytelling. Here, I handle comprehensive strategic planning, content organization, and advertising. For more details, see the "moi gioi nang dong ABS" fanpage.

    * Project Management and Execution: Execution of sales advertising campaigns on digital platforms for Vietcapital Securities JSC (HoSE: VCI), where I am currently employed. I managed an advertising campaign for financial products targeting individual customers, with a total campaign budget of VND 1 billion. The advertisements were deployed across multiple platforms, and I collaborated with the Board of Directors (BOD), development, internal marketing, and sales teams. The campaign resulted in 24,000 leads and 6,000 new customers. During this project, I enhanced my knowledge of Python programming and data analysis to handle and analyze a large amount of information. I also studied and implemented advanced technologies for customer behavior analysis, such as eye tracking, click tracking, and eKYC. See more in the summary report on my Github.

    * IPO Project for Individual Customers: Organized and executed a sales project for individual customers, specifically for the Initial Public Offering (IPO) of shares on digital platforms, with an unlimited budget. The digital channels achieved sales of 2 million shares at a price of VND 32,000 per share out of the total 71 million shares issued (online and offline). Other tasks I participated in for this project included conceptualizing content for a dedicated investor website (, planning content and customer care for IR on the ABS fanpage, and supporting the organization of the IPO event, which had around 1,000 attendees.

  • 2016 - Now

    Founder blog

    * This is my personal website, which receives around 30,000-45,000 monthly views. The content mainly focuses on finance and the application of technology in finance, all of which I edit.

    * On this blog, I handle everything from web programming, SEO implementation, and digital marketing to writing all the content available on the site.

  • Education

  • 2010 - 2014

    Bachelor's Degree in Finance and Banking

    Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City (IUH).

  • 2014 - 2024


    Certifications I have earned to support my work throughout my career:

    • * Data Science and Machine Learning Certification, specializing in deep data analysis for marketing. Completed at Nordic Coder.
    • * Journalism Professional Certification, supporting media and journalism. Completed at the Academy of Journalism and Communication.
    • * Team Engagement Certification, issued by Dale Carnegie Training.
    • * SQL, Statistics, and Python Certifications, issued by HackerRank.
  • Additional Information

  • Languages

    Vietnamese, English

  • Other Certifications

    * Sommelier Level 1 Certification for wine tasting and service, issued by the Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET), UK.

    * Home Feng Shui Certification, issued by the Institute for the Application of Feng Shui in Architecture and Life.

  • Awards

    * Third Prize in the Provincial Mathematics Competition for Excellent Students, issued by the Department of Education and Training of Binh Duong Province.

    * Encouragement Award in the National Casio Calculator Mathematics Competition, organized by Bitex.

My Interest

I have a passion for mathematics and programming, combined with a love for beautiful imagery and traveling the world on my motorcycle. This unique blend of interests drives my creative and analytical approach to problem-solving, making me a versatile and dynamic professional.

  • Motoycycle
  • Gaming
  • Photo
  • Football
  • Traveling
  • Movies

Other Projects

eKYC data-driven project
co-founder, admin fanpage moigioinangdong
co-founder finapro
LYD - Comment Sentiment Analysis

Get in Touch



Feel free To Contact

  • +84 943 688 088